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Ann & John Lewis

Ann & John Lewis

24 West 500 South

Hello Friends!

We’re one of the old timer families in the ward. We moved into our home here in 1994, the day after our daughter, Claire was born. By the end of that day, ward members had moved us in, made our beds, and unpacked our clothing and food. It was a miracle move, leaving from our old home the day before, having the baby, and returning to this home the next day!

We have 3 children. Adam, our oldest is 30, married to Heidi. They’re expecting #4 in May. Adam is graduating from medical school in May, just after the baby comes. They’ve been living in Kansas City, MO the last 5 years and will move to St Louis University for his next 4+ years of residency in June. He’s preparing to be an ophalmologist (eye surgeon). We love having grandkids, and see them every day on our family SnapChat.

Claire and Graham just moved from our ward a few weeks ago. They now live in West Hartford, CT, where Graham works for Henkel. He finished his MBA at BYU a year or so ago, with an emphasis in finance, after graduating with an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. Claire graduated from BYU in Public Health and Statistics. She continues to work remotely for Chatbooks as a data analyst. She loves her job and will get to come back to Orem 4x/yr for corporate meetings. We’re happy about that. They are loving the east coast and go exploring every free moment they have.

Aaron has moved into the Farm House on Main behind us. He’ll be married to Abbey Pinegar in a few weeks and we are thrilled they will be here in our compound and in the ward. Aaron graduated from BYU in 2020 with a degree in mechanical engineering. He has a great job at Qualtrics as a scale engineer. Abbey is from Salt Lake and she also works at Chatbooks as a data analyst. She is just finishing her master’s degree at BYU in Comparative Literature. We are so excited for her to join our family!

John and I have recently returned from a mission in Cote d’Ivoire and Mali, West Africa, where we spent 2 years as member leader support missionaries, working primarily in Bamako, Mali with the first pioneers of the church there. It was a fantastic experience. We miss our African friends.

Before that mission, we served 3 years in Yakima, WA as Mission Leaders. We have a huge family of missionaries around and enjoy spending time with them.

John retired from many years as an administrator at BYU just before we left for Africa, so we are figuring out and really enjoying retirement! John loves watching tennis and doing yardwork. He’s great at organizing things (like our Ward Parties!). He’s a whiz at spreadsheets and logistics and keeping track of things.

I love family history, quilting, writing and blogging. I enjoy being part of a book club (we just celebrated our 35th anniversary), a weekly quilt group (we’ve been meeting more than 30 years) and a writing group. I really enjoy teaching family history and writing personal histories and that sort of thing. In my spare time, I make quilts. I love fabric and the creative process.

We’re happy to be back. We love this ward and we look forward to getting to know all of you better in the coming year!

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